
[all planets]
This is our ephemeris page. Here, you can obtain the positions of the planets for any date from January 1, 1901 through December 31, 2099. Enter a date in the 'date' field, using the format YYYY-MM-DD (or select a date from the calendar popup), select a time, select your planets, press "go". The "all" checkbox will select or unselect all planets as a group, or you can select the individual planets you're interested in. (Note that unselecting all planets will work the same as selecting them all. We assume that "no choice" means "show me everything.")

This facility is also available as a Web service that you can use on your own web site.

When you enter a time, remember to select the appropriate time zone, and remember that "daylight" time is not the same as "standard" time — Mountain Standard Time (MST) is the same as Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), which is not the same as Pacific Standard Time (PST). The time zones this form recognizes are:

  • EEST/IDT [ UTC + 03:00 ] Eastern Europe Standard Time / Israel Daylight Time
  • CEST/IST [ UTC + 02:00 ] Central Europe Standard Time / Israel Standard Time
  • WEST [ UTC + 01:00 ] Western Europe Standard Time
  • UTC/GMT [ UTC ] Universal Time Code / Greenwich Mean Time
  • EGT [ UTC - 01:00 ] East Greenland Time
  • PMDT [ UTC - 02:00 ] Pierre & Miquelon Daylight Time
  • ADT [ UTC - 03:00 ] Atlantic Daylight Time
  • AST/EDT [ UTC - 04:00 ] Atlantic Standard Time / Eastern Daylight Time
  • EST/CDT [ UTC - 05:00 ] Eastern Standard Time / Central Daylight Time
  • CST/MDT [ UTC - 06:00 ] Central Standard Time / Mountain Daylight Time
  • MST/PDT [ UTC - 07:00 ] Mountain Standard Time / Pacific Daylight Time
  • PST/AKDT [ UTC - 08:00 ] Pacific Standard Time / Alaska Daylight Time
  • AKST/HADT [ UTC - 09:00 ] Alaska Standard Time / Hawaii Daylight Time
  • HAST [ UTC - 10:00 ] Hawaii Standard Time
In Oakland CA, it is
Wed, 19 Feb 2025 11:2 AM.
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