Gematria Calculator


There are two ways to use the calculator: by clicking on the letters or by typing.

  1. By clicking. Click on a letter to add it to the text. To remove a letter, click "oops".
  2. By typing. Click in the "text" field. Type. When finished, press TAB or click somewhere outside the field. The calculator will generate your value and replace the text with its current language equivalent.

CAUTION: when typing, you must use the (Roman alphabet) character you see on the button! (When working in English, you can use the character either before or after the '=', so either 'A' or 'a' will work for the Roman letter 'A'. But non-Romance languages use characters that can't be typed on our standard keyboards, and this calculator depends on characters you can type.)

Some of my non-Romance choices probably look weird, such as using 'C' for the Hebrew Tzaddi, and you may well disagree with those choices. I had to do something to provide for cases such as Hebrew "final" characters and the Greek Theta (Θ) or Digamma. (As a note, I base my Hebrew choices on this modified Michigan-Clairmont transliteration scheme.) The calculator only recognizes the character you see. If you use the wrong case, the calculator will ignore that letter.

Spaces and punctuation are always ignored in gematria, and some letters are ignored in some systems. Ignored characters won't affect the numeric total, though they will appear in the converted text.


I haven't provided any information about the various systems. All of them have documentation elsewhere on the Web, and all of them either are now or were once in use. If you know what a system is and want to use it, that's what it's there for. If you don't know what a system is, you'll need to research that system somewhere else.

...Actually, there is one system I will explain: "Cute Purple Dinosaur", otherwise known as "Barney". This is an old internet joke, proof that Barney is the Antichrist. In this system, the only letters that have values are the ones that can be used as Roman digits: I, V, X, etc. The others are ignored. Now type in "CUTE PURPLE DINOSAUR", and guess what you get?

There are browsers this won't run on -- Safari, for instance -- and I don't (yet) know why not. So sorry!

Also, I find that IE for Mac OS X doesn't render the Unicode Hebrew characters as Hebrew. Rather, you get characters specific to the Mac, such as the "command key" symbol. If you run into that, you'll need to use the spelled-out character names as your guide to what each of those funny symbols represents. (IE for Mac also doesn't follow the rules about right-to-left versus left-to-right rendering that apply to those characters.)